Website Development Python Course
Week 1: Introduction to the Web
🎯 Objective: Understand how websites work and basic HTML structure.
- What is the internet? How do websites work?
- Introduction to HTML: <html>, <head>, <body>
- First webpage: "Hello, World!" using <h1> and <p>
🎨 Project: Create a basic personal webpage.
Week 2: HTML Basics
🎯 Objective: Learn essential HTML elements.
- Adding images: <img>
- Creating links: <a href="">
- Lists: <ul>, <ol>, <li>
- Simple tables: <table>, <tr>, <td>
🎨 Project: Build a "My Favorite Things" webpage with lists and images.
Week 3: Styling with CSS
🎯 Objective: Learn how to make websites look cool!
- Inline, internal, and external CSS
- Changing colors, fonts, and backgrounds
- Simple box model (margin, padding, border)
🎨 Project: Style the "My Favorite Things" webpage with CSS.
Week 4: Page Layout with CSS
🎯 Objective: Learn how to position elements on a webpage.
- CSS selectors: classes (.class) & IDs (#id)
- Flexbox basics for layout
- Adding a navigation bar
🎨 Project: Create a simple blog layout with navigation.
Week 5: Introduction to JavaScript
🎯 Objective: Add interactivity to websites.
- What is JavaScript?
- Variables and data types
- alert(), console.log()
- Basic functions and events (onclick)
🎨 Project: Create an interactive "Click Me!" button.
Week 6: User Input & Simple Logic
🎯 Objective: Learn how to take user input and use logic in JavaScript.
- prompt() and document.getElementById()
- Conditionals (if, else)
- Simple math with JavaScript
🎨 Project: Create a webpage that asks for the user’s name and greets them.
Week 7: Combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
🎯 Objective: Make interactive web pages.
- Changing CSS styles with JavaScript
- Event listeners (onmouseover, onkeyup)
- Creating a simple form
🎨 Project: Build a fun interactive quiz.
Week 8: Final Project!
🎯 Objective: Apply everything learned in a creative way!
- Brainstorm project ideas
- Work on the project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Debugging and testing
🎨 Final Project: Make a mini-website (e.g., a portfolio, a game, a quiz).
Week 1: Introduction to Python
🎯 Objective: Understand what Python is and write the first program.
- What is Python? What can we do with it?
- Installing Python and using Jupyter Notebook
- Writing the first program: print("Hello, World!")
- Comments (# This is a comment)
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Make Python say your name!
🎨 Project: Create a personalized greeting program.
Week 2: Variables & Data Types
🎯 Objective: Learn how to store and manipulate data.
- Variables: name = "Alice"
- Data types: strings, integers, floats, booleans
- Basic math operations (+, -, *, /, **)
- String formatting (f"Hello {name}")
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Make a calculator that adds two numbers!
🎨 Project: Create a name and age guessing game.
Week 3: Conditionals & Loops
🎯 Objective: Learn how to make decisions and repeat actions.
- If-else statements (if age > 18:)
- Comparison & logical operators (and, or, not)
- Loops: for and while
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Make a "Guess the Secret Number" game!
🎨 Project: Create a simple chatbot that responds based on user input.
Week 4: Functions & Lists
🎯 Objective: Learn how to reuse code and store multiple values.
- Defining functions with def my_function():
- Lists (numbers = [1, 2, 3])
- Loops with lists (for item in my_list:)
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Create a randomized list picker (e.g., "What should I eat today?")
🎨 Project: Build a Magic 8-Ball that gives random answers.
Week 5: Introduction to Data Science (pandas Basics)
🎯 Objective: Learn about data structures and handle real-world data.
- Importing pandas (import pandas as pd)
- Reading CSV files (df = pd.read_csv("data.csv"))
- Viewing data (df.head(),
- Selecting columns and rows (df["column_name"], df.iloc[0])
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Load a fun dataset (e.g., Pokémon stats) and display some rows!
🎨 Project: Create a "Top 5 Pokémon by Speed" program.
Week 6: Data Visualization (Matplotlib & Seaborn)
🎯 Objective: Learn how to visualize data with charts and graphs.
- Importing matplotlib.pyplot and seaborn
- Creating bar charts, line plots, and scatter plots
- Customizing graphs (titles, labels, colors)
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Make a bar chart of your 5 favorite movies’ ratings!
🎨 Project: Create a weather trend graph using a dataset.
Week 7: Data Analysis & Basic Statistics
🎯 Objective: Learn basic data analysis techniques.
- Finding the mean, median, and mode
- Filtering and sorting data (df[df["score"] > 90])
- Grouping and summarizing data (df.groupby("category").mean())
🎮 Mini-Challenge: Find the average weight of Pokémon by type!
🎨 Project: Analyze a dataset of Olympic medal winners.
Week 8: Final Data Science Project!
🎯 Objective: Apply everything learned to analyze real-world data.
- Choose a dataset (sports stats, movies, weather, etc.)
- Clean and explore the data
- Create visualizations and find insights
🎨 Final Project Ideas:
✅ "What makes a movie successful?" (Analyze IMDB ratings)
✅ "Which country wins the most Olympic gold medals?"
✅ "Do taller people really run faster?"
Create Your Own Website With Webador